Secret Cities Exhibition Preview in Metropolis Magazine
If you’ve never heard of Los Alamos, New Mexico; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; or Hanford and Richland, Washington, you’re not alone. In fact, the clandestine nature of these places is by design. But the upcoming exhibition Secret Cities: The Architecture and Planning of the Manhattan Project, opening May 3 at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., aims to reveal much of their history and built forms.
As part of the U.S. war effort in the early 1940s, the federal government built facilities for the development and testing of atomic weapons. Alongside these, it also constructed housing for the involved scientists and technicians in semi-urban communities as secretive as their work.
Read the full story at Metropolis Magazine. “Secret Cities” runs May 3, 2018—March 3, 2019 at the National Building Museum.