A Well-Designed Attic Can Beat the Summer Heat
As attic spaces vary in dimensions and configurations, the types of attics—conditioned or unconditioned, habitable or not, vented or unvented—can vary just as much. For many people, attics serve as repositories for seasonal decorations and seldom-opened boxes of memorabilia; what homeowners may not realize is how they factor into warm-weather cooling. Consultation with your architect can help determine what type of attic you have and how it’s impacting your energy bill during those summer months.
Even in homes with flat roofs, there’s likely to be at least some semblance of crawlspace between the roof and the ceiling of the living area beneath it. You may find, after donning a facemask and putting fresh batteries in your flashlight, that your attic is surprisingly spacious. Or you may find nothing but insulation between the ceiling joists, and little room to maneuver. A quick visual inspection is a good first step; an architect can confirm your suspicions later.
Read the full story at Topic Architecture.